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The majority of abusers are related to the victims. However, senior citizens and kids are often abused by non-relatives. Girlfriends or boyfriends can be abused by their loved one. Disabled people can be abused by anyone and be unable to defend themselves. Students can be abused or military servicemen can be abused by others.

Sadly, the abuse of others is on the rise (well it is more like a case of reporting or discovering the problem is on the rise).

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Q: The majority of abuse victims are related to their abuser?
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Why is there under recording of domestic abuse?

Because there is under-reporting. The overwhelming majority of instances of domestic abuse are never reported. Victims often don't report abuse because they are scared, because they "love" their abuser, because they don't know how, because they are manipulated into thinking no one will believe them, and for a variety of other reasons.

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The love turns to hate because the reality of what the abuser did sets in. Speaking as a victim of abuse, I don't think I could ever love my abuser again even if he said he's "changed" because of the reality of what he did to me, and the claims that he "changed" so many previous times during the abuse.

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Help is available for all victims of Child Abuse. For more information on Male victims of child abuse see above related link.

How do you stop domestic abuse?

The person committing the domestic abuse is really the only one that can stop the abuse. The person getting abused, however, can stop the abuse from happening to them by getting away from the abuser. The number to call for a domestic abuse victims is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

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Active participation in awareness groups can reduce abuse in two ways. It can bolster the victims self confidence so that they no longer accept abuse. It can teach techniques to control emotions of the abuser to prevent the situation.

If your an emotional abuser what causes them to leave?

the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

Does substance abuse intervention increase the abuser's odds of staying clean?

Yes, it does. In all cases, the substance abuse intervention is conducted to inform the abuser of the danger and guide the abuser out of whatever form of substance abuse he/she is using. This on a whole gives the abuser moral and medical support, increasing the odds of staying clean.

How can a victim leave an abuser with no money?

* Most victims of abuse just want to leave with the clothes on their back and are not worried about leaving their abuser penniless. The abuser has taken everything from their victim ... their dignity; peace of mind; brain washed them into believing no other man would want them and they are useless and will never make it out in the world on their own; alienated them from their family and friends and controlled all money issues in the relationship. If there are children involved then the best you can hope for is child support and that would have to go through the courts. Victims of abuse generally want no part of their abuser and will do anything to stay completely away. The victim should seek help from Women's Abuse Centers to find a 'safe place' until they can get on their feet. These centers give moral support; programs about victims of abuse; go to court with them; help with any children the victim may have and help them find a job. If you are smart you'll head out the door and never look back and not look for revenge because the abuser always loses in the end ... they hang themselves with their own rope.

What happens to people whose emotional abuse at home was never acknowledged by counselors family etc?

Victims are abused twice: Once when they suffer the actual abuse And once when they are not validated, when the experience of having been abused is denied by the abuser and by society at large.

Is bullying a child abuse?

Yes, they are related. Often a child who bullies learns the behavior at home. Children model what they live and see. Parent who bullies is an abuser and he/she learned this as a child as well. A child of a person who abuse others becomes the abuser later.

Are Female actually causing themselves to be victims of abuse?

Some people are drawn to certain kinds of relationships that do not initially seem abusive but turn into abuse down the line. This is usually because of childhood issues. They do not choose to be abused, they simply choose the wrong partners. No one makes another person abuse them. The abuser always has the option of walking away -- running if necessary. People do not cause their own abuse, and attempting to blame it on the victim instead of the abuser is absolutely unacceptable.

What would you do if you were being abused?

tell someone who could help me, and get away from the abuser as quickly as possible. if no one I knew could help me I would call the police - they will protect abuse victims and refer them to appropriate resources.