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No. Unlike skeletal muscles, the liver contains an enzyme known as glucose 6-phosphatase that can remove the phosphate groups and produce free glucose.

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Q: The liver can supply the skeletal muscles with energy in the form of free glucose but the skeletal muscles cannot supply the liver with energy in the form of free glucose?
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Resting skeletal muscles use glucose as a preferred energy source?

Resting skeletal muscles burn glucose for energy. Although fat can also be used as an energy source, if glucose is present, muscles will use glucose first.

Why does your body use more energy when active?

When we're active we're using more of our muscles including our skeletal, heart and breathing muscles. All of this muscular contraction takes energy in the form of ATP which we get by breaking down glucose.

How do muscles produce energy?

muscles use chemical energy in glucose , as the bonds in glucose break, chemical energy changes to mechanical energy and the muscle contracts.. well there you go that how you produce mechanical energy :)

Does glucose build muscles?

no, because glucose is a form of sugar, and sugar is energy, and energy is pretty much fat.

Why does blood carry glucose?

glucose gives us energy, the blood carries the glucose to our muscles so they can move

What is the chemical energy in muscles?

the chemical is glucose.

What do your skeletal muscles do?

1. turn energy into motion.2. express an idea

What in the body uses the energy released from glucose?

e.g muscles and etc

Do muscles use energy in the form of glucose?

Not sure...but I want to say yes...

Why does a plant need to make glucose?

glucose is the primary source of energy. ATP's cannot store a lot of energy so the plats use glucose (C6H12O6) to store their energy.

Does skeletal muscle store nutrient reserves?

Yes it does! When our diet contains too few proteins and calories, the contractile proteins in skeletal muscles are broken down, and their amino acids released into the circulation. The liver can use some of these amino acids to synthesize glucose, and others can be broken down to provide energy.

Does a skeletal muscles react quickly and tire easily?

Yes. You are correct. The rapid movement causes them to use more energy and build up more lactic acid so they tire faster.