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the femur is the thighbone & there is only 1 per thigh. the lower leg has 2 bones: the tibia & the fibula.
answer your looking for is right or left depending on the view of the femur.

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Q: The femur is the what member of the two femurs?
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What is the adjective form for femur?

The femur is the thighbone, which is the thickest and longest bone in the body. The adjective form for femur is femoral.

Where are the femurs in the body?

Your femur, or thighbone, is the largest bone in your body. We have 2 femur, 1 each leg. The head of your femur fits into your hip socket and the bottom end connects to your knee.

Why does your femur bone need to be so large?

If our bodies didn't have femurs our body couldn't support all the weight we have.

What is the strongest longest largest bone in the human skeleton?

femur /fe·mur/ (fe´mer) pl. fem´ora, femurs [L.]

How pounds does it take to break a humans femur?

It depends how hard you pound. The harder you pound, the fewer times you have to do it before the femur breaks. And it also depends on how strong the femur is, and what area you spread the pound over. Different peoples femurs have different strengths.

Where are the longest and strongest bones in the body found?

Femur Spanning from the bottom of the hip to the top of the knee, the femur's name is from the Latin word for "thigh". However the strongest bones are the teeth that are coated with the extra hard substance enamel.

What is a femur fracture?

Its when both femurs (thigh bone) are broken. They can either be closed or open. (The bone breaks through the skin or stays inline)

What ways might long femurs be disadvantages to a grasshoppers survival?

Disadvantages that grasshoppers may have with a long femur is that they have a clumsy walk. The would also have to maneuver when going in short distances.

Does the black race have two thigh bones?

yes, left and right femurs

How much can you get for a broken femur in a car accident?

I don't think there is much demand for broken femurs, so you probably wouldn't be able to get much for it. My advice would be to have an orthopedic specialist treat it, and then hang on to it for future use.

Is a growth spurt affected if a person broke both femurs when younger?

It all depends on where you broke the femur. But yes it can affect growth spurts if the breaks haven't healed properly. Make sure to drink lots of milk!

What two structures is the neck of the femur bounded by?

The neck of the femur is bounded by the Greater and Lesser Trochanters.