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It allows for rapid diffusion of gasses.

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Q: How thin walls help the alveoli?
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Where does gas exchange occur?

gas exchange occurs between the thin walls of the alveoli and the thin walls of the capillaries

Gas exchange occurs across the thin walls of?


Why do the walls of the capillaries and aveoli need to be thin?

The walls of alveoli are thin to allow the exchange of gases (Co2 and O2) between blood capillaries and the aveoli in the lungs.

Oxygen passes into the capillaries that surround these sac?

Oxygen passes into the capillaries that surround the alveoli. The thin walls of the capillaries make this diffusion easier.

How does thin walls help the lungs in gaseous exchange?

No, the alveoli wall should be as thin as possible, i.e. one cell layer thick, in order to make the diffusion distance for gas exchange as short as possible.

Explain the relationship between structure and function.use alveoli as an explain.Be sure to include more that one level of organization?

alveoli are arranged in grape like groups to increase surface area in which gas exchange takes place, the walls are very thin just big enough for on cell to pass so that there is an increase in rate of diffusion, walls of alveoli are moist so it also increases the rate of diffusion and the alveoli can stretch so that it prevents the alveoli form over filling with air and damaging the thin walls

What tissue is the walls of the alveoli composed of?

the walls of the alveoli are very thin but strong layers of elastic tissue lines with a single layer of flattened epithelium.

Why do lungs have thin permeable walls?

diffusion of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to & from air in lungs and capillaries in alveoli

The walls of the alveoli are so thin that gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass through them by a process called?


What is the function of simple squamous epithelium of the alveoli?

The alveoli is just one cell layer thick so that diffusion of gasses between the capillaries and the alveoli is easy. Simple squamous epithelium are found in the capillary walls and the alveolar walls. They are thin so diffusion is easy.

How are the alveoli designed to maximise the exchange of gases?

the paouch like air secs at the smallest lenchioles is called alveoli.the walls of alveoli are very thin and they are sorrounding thin blood capllaries .it is in alveoli exchange of gaseouse takes place there are so many alveoli in blood so they provides very larges surface srea for cxchanges of gaseouse

What is the main job of the alveoli?

The alveoli, the small sacs of air at the ends of the terminal bronchioles, are the sites of the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide.