

Best Answer

• The right to a speedy trial!

• The right to a public trial!

• The right to notified of the nature and circumstances of the alleged crime!

• The right to confront a witness who will testify against the accused!

• The right to find a witness who will speak in favor of the accused!

•The right to a lawyer!


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Q: What does the sixth amendment guarantee us?
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What does the Sixth Amendment guarantee?

the right to an attorney during a trial

Which of the rights does the sixth amendment guarantee?

right to a prompt and public trial

What is the sixth amendment guarantee?

It guarantees a speedy and public trial with a jury of your peers.

Which amendments gave us free will?

the first amendment and the sixth amendment.

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The Twenty-Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution allowed 18-year-old citizens to vote in all states.

What Amendment applied the guarantee of the bill of rights to the states?

The 10th amendment to the United States Constitution applies the Bill of Rights to the states. The amendment is a guarantee to all US citizens.

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Which amendment deals with the right to a speedy trial?

The sixth amendment gives us the right to a speedy trial

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The Sixth Amendment is part of the original Bill of Rights, which was ratified shortly after the adoption of the Constitution. The president was George Washington.

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Rights of the sixth amendment

A guarantee to us citizen that every protection of every law will be applied to them?

The 14th Amendment

Which amendment to the us constitution guarantee all persons equal access to public recreation facilities?

the fourteenth amendment