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Manufacturing of alcohol I think.

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Q: The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the US prohibited the?
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What amendment prohibited the sale and transport of alcohol in the US?

The Eighteenth Amendment

What effect was the cause by the eighteenth amendment to the us constitution?

speakeasies were created

It was outlawed by the 13th amendment?

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the US prohibited slavery.

Who would least likely support the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?

bootlegger living in chicago

Why did congress passthe volstead act after states ratified the eighteenth amendment?

Amendments to the Constitution are usually phrased in general terms. In order to carry out the intent of the Eighteenth Amendment, Congress had to create and pass a law specifying things like who would be responsible for enforcement and what the penalties for breaking the law would be.

Which Amendment was added to the constitution to prohibit the selling of liquor anywhere in US?

made it illegal to sell alcoholic drinks Eighteenth Amendment

What is the definition of 'prohibiting'?

Prohibition - not allowing, forbiddingProhibition - to the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibited the sale, transportation and importation of Alcoholic Beverages.

What amendment was added to the constitution to prohibit selling liquor anywhere in the us?

It's one of these; A. Eighteenth Amendment B. Fourteenth Amendment C. Nineteenth Amendment D. Twentieth Amendment

Was Prohibition repealed by the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution?

Yes. The Twenty-first Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment (often called the Prohibition Amendment) in 1933.The National Prohibition Act (or Volstead Act) of 1919 provided for enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment, but was not part of the Amendment itself.

What religious groups opposed the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?

The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution was put into affect in 1920. The purpose was to abolish intoxicating liquors. There is no evidence that Protestants, who were the largest religious group in the country, opposed this amendment.

What would least likely support the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?

A bootlegger living in chago

What does the 13th amendment to the US Constitution forbid?

The 13th Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude.