

Tetany can be caused by

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Clostridium tetani. This is a bacterium which commonly lives in the soil. It can only grow and produce toxins when little oxygen is around, so just playing around in the dirt would not get you infected. Typically, tetanus occurs when a deep stabwound is made with a dirty object, say a rusty nail, on which the Clostridium bacteria are present. On superficial wounds, there would be too much oxygen and the bacteria wouldn't grow, in a deep wound that is more or less shut off from the outside air, oxygen is quickly consumed by other bacteria, allowing the Clostridia to reproduce and produce toxins. These are responsible for the cramps typical for tetanus.

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No, the condition is caused by deficiency of the parathyroid gland.

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Hi,Tetany is caused by a lack of calcium or vitamin d-3. To prevent Tetany, dusting crickets with a vitamin d-3 mix every week for adults and every other day for youngsters will do the trick.

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Tetany is caused by?

Tetanus (Clostrudium tetani toxin) gets its name from its ability to cause tetany. The most common cause is low serum calcium levels which can be caused by parathyroid hormone or vitamin D deficiency. Hyperventilating or other acid-base problems can shift the binding of calcium and cause effectively low levels and tetany. Low magnesium and excess potassium can also do it.

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Tetany is the medical term continuous spasm of muscles; tetany may result from hypocalcemia.

What hormone is responsible for tetany?

Tetany is caused by a disturbance of the blood calcium level. So you can say vitamin D (also considered a hormone) plays a role in it. Also, the parathyroid hormone level has a direct effect on calcium levels.

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Grass tetany

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Tetany is the term for the muscle contractions that may be caused by hypoparathyroidism.

What is the hormone whose production in inadequate amounts results in tetany?

excess calcitonin or decreased parathormone

What does tetany mean?

tetanyˈtɛt(ə)ni/nouna condition marked by intermittent muscular spasms, caused by malfunction of the parathyroid glands and a consequent deficiency of calcium.

Which is a description of tetany?

prolonged contraction of the muscles

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