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Yes. It can cause it to become darker and thicker.

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Q: Testosterone effect hair on arms and legs?
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What happens to you in puberty that is body hair related?

The testosterone is responsible for the thickening of hair. The hair on arms and legs becomes thicker. There is hair growth in the pubic area.

Does testosterone affect hair on legs?

Do you mean high levels of testosterone? My legs are hairy, and also my chest, what I know is that some people say that higher than normal levels of testosterone can affect hair on their heads, but I don't think that can happen to hair on legs. If you want more hair gowing on your legs, shave them regularly and you'll see how hair grows stronger and thicker.

Why does hair grow on your arms and legs?

we used to be monkeys so we still have hair in odd places like arms and legs

Why are you mammal?

Because we have four arms/legs and hair.

WhAT causes throbbing in legs and arms?

Inflamation can have that effect.

What are the physical features of Helios?

He had rainbow hair with legs as arms

How do shaving?

girls share their armpits,legs, arms,and their pubic hair.

Is shaving your legs puberty?

Many girls start shaving legs because the hair start becoming more noticeable. This is caused due to estrogen and testosterone.

Where do they remove hair from on a hair follicle test?

They can use hair from anywhere on your body. Whether it be the hair on your head to the hair on your arms, eyebrows, legs or anywhere really.

Why do men have hair on their chest back arms legs?

It's a special characteristic 4 men !

Do women remove hair more than men?

yes women remove hair on their legs, arms, underarms, and other areas

What are girls supposed to shave?

We Can Shave everywhere where we have hair. It can be Upper Lip, Pubic Hair, Armpits, Arms, Legs, back, ect