

Tell two ways plants help people.?

Updated: 3/23/2020
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14y ago

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We can't live without plants. They give us food, and oxygen.

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Q: Tell two ways plants help people.?
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Tell about two ways plants help people?

The two ways plants help people are: 1. It gives you something to care for, almost like a hobby. You have to water it and so on. 2. Having plants in your helps you get more oxygen. Plants use the CO2 we give off and make O2.

What are ways help people?

Leeches can help stimulate Blood flow, and Bees can help by being a pollinator for plants

What are ways invertebrates help people?

Leeches can help stimulate Blood flow, and Bees can help by being a pollinator for plants

What are some ways invertebrates help people?

Leeches can help stimulate Blood flow, and Bees can help by being a pollinator for plants

How can people help extinct?

Oh, I am sure their are many ways to help... I would tell you if I knew what extinct was.

In what ways are bees help full to people?

By producing honey and pollinating flowers and other plants.

How does a plant help a person?

PLants help people many ways. they breathe in carbon dioxide, which is what we breathe out. they breathe out oxygen, which is what we breathe in. without plants, we'd die from suffocation.

How do plants and animals help us in brief?

animals eat plants get the nutrients we eat the animal we get the nutrients

What three ways water help human?

People are able to drink the water and survive. Water brings life to plants and the people aet them. Water can heal injuries sometimes.

How does fertilizer help plants?

it is food for the plant and is a;ways help for the ground so that it stays full of nutrients

Name at least two ways that animals can help plants?

carbon dioxide

How you help plants?

Water it every day. Dont destroy them. There are many ways.