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The frequency

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Q: The pitch you hear is related to the of a sound wave?
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The characteristic of a sound wave that we hear as pitch is the?


What The characteristics of a sound wave that we hear as pitch is the?


What is a characteristc of a sound wave that you hear as pitch?


What characteristic of a sound wave that we hear as a pitch?


What characteristic of a sound wave that we hear as pitch is?


How is pitch related to wave speed?

The faster the wave speed, the higher the pitch of the sound will be. 20 vibrations is the lowest amount of vibrations needed per second for a human to be able to hear it

The characteristic of a sound wave that you hear as pitch is the?

Frequency .

How is the amplitude of sound wave related to hear?

amplitude is the maximum displacement of the body therefore it is related to hear

You hear a higher pitch when a sound wave has a greater?

A higher frequency.

Does the frequency of a sound wave deal with the volume of the sound?

No. Frequency is related to pitch, and amplitude is related to volume.

What seems to be relationship between the frquency of a sound wave and the pitch of the sound you hear?

There is a direct relationship. The higher the frequency, the higher the perceived pitch.

A description of a sound wave that is closely related to frequency is called?
