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Fish need to descend or rise due to the temperature of which they live. They are cold blooded animals. Some fish live in very cold temperatures of water while others live in cold temperatures, but not as cold. The core of the Earth, as we know it, is filled with lava and generates heat. So the fish need to stay cold so they rise to the surface of the water, or at least, close to it. This is largely impacted by global warming.

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13y ago

They need to do this because 1. they need to get their food and some fishes use camouflage to catch their prey/food. 2. they are cold blooded and as we know the Earth has lava beneath its crust which produces heat hence the fishes need to rise close or midway to the surface of water and not stay on the sea bed at all times. and 3. some fishes descend to hide from predators or to be in their homes, e.g. clown fish live around coral reefs.

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11y ago

The human method

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Q: Why do fish need to descend or rise to different water levels?
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What height do most fish swim in the water?

Are the fish you are reffering to from an aquarium, ocean or lake/dam? :). There aer thousands of different species of fish which preffer to swim at different levels in water. To get the average depth would be near impossible.

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Actually, different species of tropical fish require different levels of kH/gH. Some require soft water, and some hard water. So make sure to research the species before you acquire it!

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No. the ammonia levels for fish water are different than in turtle water and are meant for larger quantities of moving water. To suit the habitat need of a turtle yo should find the correct turtle treatment.

Do fishes get sick?

Yes, there are many diseases that they can get from bad pH levels and bad nitrate conditions. Different types of fish require different types of water conditions. Pond fish. such as kio, if there waters are not kept clean, they could get fish lice.

Why fish swim on top of fish tank?

Different species of fish live at different levels of the water. So eather you have all top-dwellers, you don't have airation, you have only anabantois (bad spelling), or you have very poor water quality.

What type of fish lives in the middle of the sea?

Yes, and at various levels, depending on the species in question.

How can cold blooded fish move quickly in cold water?

because their body is immune to the coldness, and also there are different temperatures at water levels. In top of the water during winter can be frozen, but underneath that, there is a slight change with temperature in the water.

What are the different species of fish?

theres a salt water group and a fresh water group of fish

Why do you need to acclimatise the water for a fish?

Every fish lives in a different inviroment.If its a tropical fish and the water is to cold it will die.

What is the pH level at which most fish die?

Different species require different pH levels and other parameters too. As a general rule most fish will survive a pH of around neutral pH7. Fish like Discus that require acid water around pH5.8 will obviously suffer if given water with a pH of 7.8 to live in and Malawi cichlids who like pH8 would do a similar thing if they are given water that would suit a Discus. Different species different pH requirements.

What is the definition or submerge?

the definition of submerge is to be under water. for example fish are submergeing