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Sound waves are known as longitudinal waves.

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Q: Sound waves are what kind of waves where atoms are squeezed together?
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Related questions

Why does sound travel well through liquid?

The atoms are closer together so the sound waves do not have to go as far between atoms. It travels better through solids

Do sound waves go faster in solids liquids or gases?

solids because the atoms are closer together

Why the velocity of sound waves increases as density of medium increases?

This is because the medium then has atoms closer together making it easier to transmit motion between the atoms.

Are rarefactions and compressions types of sound waves?

Compression, which is the "squeezing" together of molecules, and rarefaction, which is the expansion of the "squeezed" molecules back toward their original position, is the oscillatory behavior that causes sound waves. Individually, they are not types of sound waves, because for any wave you need both a disrupting force and a restoring force oscillating between each other.

What kind of sound is produced by sound waves with peaks that are close together?

which kind of sound is produced by sound waves with peaks that are very close together?

Are sound waves made of atoms and elements?

No,it has to be things you can touch.

Why do sound waves need matter to travel?

That's basically what sound waves are all about. Sound waves mean that energy is transmitted, by bumping, from one atom (or group of atoms) to the next.

What happens to a vibration when amplitude is changed?

as the amplitude increases the waves get closer together like an accordion being the vibrations become faster (or higher pitched if we're talking about sound) if the amplitude is decreased the waves spread out and the vibration is slower and lower in pitch

What is a mixture of sound waves that do not sound pleasing together called?


How is sound transimitted?

Sound is the compression of molecules and atoms in waves which can have different frequencies amplitudes and wavelengths that determine how we interpret the sound.

Explain how sound travels?

Sound travels in waves called sound waves and they look like this )))))))))))))))))))))) except they are invisible

Does empty space make sound travel fastest?

Sound waves need a medium (such as air, water, metal and other materials) to travel through. Sound waves travel by slightly displacing the atoms from their original position as it moves. With empty space (no atoms) the sound waves cannot travel at all. In general, sound travels slower in gasses, then faster in liquids, and even faster in solids. Each substance is different, though.