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With your promissory note in hand, you should seek legal advice from an attorney. You could, in the meantime, try to keep pressure on him, and if you find you are able to sue for the remaining amount, give him one more chance and threaten lawsuit, and carry out on your word.

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Q: Someone owes me 60k as a personal loan and I have a promissory note They have paid me back 3k to date Now he says he can't pay me He is employed has assets Should I sue or keep pressuring him?
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What is presentment of promissory note?

A "Promissory Note" is a legal IOU. 'Presentment' of it, means that you (or someone) is cashing it in, and wants to be paid.

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If they signed the promissory note, then it is legal, and binding.

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employed mean which we can work for someone and he can paid you by its own.

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Talk to you local county attorney.

If you have a promissory note with someone and they die are you still responsible to pay the debt?

No. Without both signatures, the promissory note is not legal. As the other party is deceased, there is no way to collect that signature to make the note valid.

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A promissory note is a document where you agree or promise to repay a certain amount of money to someone. If it is unsecured, it means that nothing was put up as collateral to back up your promise [such as a house, a car, stocks, etc. ].

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An independent contractor is someone who works for themselves not a company. They can work for someone else but not be employed by them. An employee is employed by a company.

When is a good age to make out?

when your ready or when ur mate(HAS TO BE UR BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND) isn't pressuring you..when you find someone like that then go ahead