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Because the moon does not always pass exactly through the plane of the moon's orbit.

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Q: Solar eclipses do not happen EVERY month because of what reason?
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Related questions

How many lunar eclipses happen every year?

Around 12 because they only have when there's a full moon

What would happen if eclipses happen every month?

The moon phases would change.

Do solar eclipses happen every time the moon travels around the earth?

No, solar eclipses can be years apart.

Does the annular eclipse happen every year?

In general, at least two to five solar eclipses happen every year. However, annular eclipses rarely happen. The latest annular solar eclipse happened in April 29, 2014.

When do solar eclipses take place?

A solar eclipse can only happen at new moon - but they don't happen at every new moon.

How often does a solar eclipse happen in Britain?

Solar eclipses happen once every 100 years in britain according to the nasa website!

Do eclipse happen every year?

Yes. There are 1 to 3 solar eclipses ... and the same number of lunar ones ... on the average every year.

When might an eclipse happen?

Lunar eclipses happen about twice a year at the full moon. Solar eclipses happen about twice a year at the new moon.The link below to the NASA Eclipse Site lists details about every eclipse from 2000 BC to 3000 AD.

Do eclipses happen often?

every 6 months For a lunar eclipse. solar eclipse take a lot longer.

What would have to happen for a and solar eclipses to occur every month?

The moon would have to be on a flat plane instead of being on a tilt.

How many lunar eclipses every day?

none!well, except for when we do occasionaly get one. but it doesn't happen every day! It happens every 9 years according to records

Lunar eclipses occur every 3 years?

Typically, lunar eclipses occur once or twice a year. Because more than half of all lunar eclipses are partial, and because lunar eclipses are visible only from the side of the Earth where the Moon is up, you would generally be able to see a total lunar eclipse every other year or every 3rd year from your location. The rest of the eclipses would be either partial, or not visible from your location. You can check the NASA Eclipse Web Page to see the catalog of all eclipses from 2000 BCE to 3000 AD at the link below.