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My daughter has a itchy bump on her wrist. It looks like a bite that she scratched the top off of. However, it has bled off and on for two days. This could be a case of scabies. Scabies cause small red bumps that itch, and often occur on the wrists, in between fingers, or near the genitals. Secondary infections due to scratching can occur around the site, making the skin peel, bleed and/or cause a rash. Scabies must be treated by a doctor.

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Q: Small itchy bumps on wrists and legs?
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There are several bumps all over my legs They are very itchy and burn when I scratch them They do not look like mosquito bites I was think they may be bedbug bites?

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for arms it would be waxing..for legs NO SHAVE ull get stuble and ingrown hair and bumps and itchy and the list goes on and on so i wud say WAX or nair pretty...

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What are itchy red raised bumps on the inner thighs that seem to get worse in summer?

A diagnosis cannot be made from a description. See a doctor. It sounds like it may be heat bumps or sweat bumps. I believe it may also have to do with thighs rubbing together that makes bumps. I was told it could be HPV

What could small red bumps on my legs be from?

They could be insect bites but I'm not sure. Probably mosquito or horsefly.

There are hundreds of small bumps all over your legs from your ankles up to your knees what could this be from?

Could be hives or chigger bites.

What do you do when there are red bumps on your legs?

When u shave it gives u red bumps I get them all the time in the winter, cuz my legs are dry

Where do people usually cut themself?

they can do it enywhere there hips,legs,arms(at the top),ankles,wrists but the wrists are the most common

Why do my arms and legs itch?

if your arms and legs itch, you might have mosquito bites or a rash. check for large red bumps or masses or small red bumps. If you have a dog or a cat, you might have ticks. Also, you might have an allergy you are not aware of. If you dont see any red bumps or you dont have a pet, you should see the doctor.

Why legs itch with with red small bumps in cold country?

Capillaries tighten in cold weather , and close around individual hairs.