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Are you stupid enough to try? What would happen if you jumped in front of a bus? there's a chance you'd live. OK, off my soapbox. My (educated) guess is that you'd immediately have an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, possibly enough to send your heart into arrhythmia (that's bad). I doubt you'd get any pleasurable effectes such as euphoria, but you'd be wide awake at best, and dead at worst.

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17y ago
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12y ago

It's not a question of should you snort Strattera but can you. Short answer is yes but you probably shouldn't. It burns badly and hits you quicker & slightly stronger but I certainly wouldn't recommend it. Usually an NRI needs to build up in your system to work but it will work short term in high enough dosages(depending on tolerance), the comedown isn't too pleasant though.

THERE ARE MANY WAYS that medication can enter your system. Many routes include: anally (suppository), sublingal (under your tongue), IM (intramuscular shot), IV (intravenous shot) SC (subcutaneous shot), orally (swallow it), intranasally (sniff it up your nose). The three quickest routes are: under your tongue (lots of blood vessels and cappilaries), up your nose (lots of blood vessels and cappilaries) and up your butt (lots of blood vessels and cappilaries). The most common isotope of lithium which has four neutrons

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15y ago

essentialy it ultimately be the same as if you took it orallly. use this rule if it can't get you high if taken orally it can't get you high intrnasally (snorting) snoting oxycotttinwill get you high or any other pain killer(narcotic). the only way you would feel any effect is because when you snort somting like wlbutrin it seals off your lungs causing lack of oxygen which will produce a high i hope this answers your question i wouldn't recommend it essentialy it ultimately be the same as if you took it orallly. use this rule if it can't get you high if taken orally it can't get you high intrnasally (snorting) snoting oxycotttinwill get you high or any other pain killer(narcotic). the only way you would feel any effect is because when you snort somting like wlbutrin it seals off your lungs causing lack of oxygen which will produce a high i hope this answers your question i wouldn't recommend it essentialy it ultimately be the same as if you took it orallly. use this rule if it can't get you high if taken orally it can't get you high intrnasally (snorting) snoting oxycotttinwill get you high or any other pain killer(narcotic). the only way you would feel any effect is because when you snort somting like wlbutrin it seals off your lungs causing lack of oxygen which will produce a high i hope this answers your question i wouldn't recommend it

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14y ago

It is painful and creates a short high which is the equivalent of drinking a couple cups of coffee. The next few weeks can be expected to be filled with nosebleeds and sinus troubles since it is terribly bad to be used that way.

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15y ago

You will be just as foolish as before you injected it! That said, the only effects would be harmfull. It works over a long period of time, so quickly getting it into your system would not produce a "high". I may poison you, however.

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14y ago

No one remembers. So no one can answer this question. ;P

Seriously though, I did this once, and don't remember anything. I woke up 30ish hours later. I do know alot of coke addicts snort a quarter-half of a pill to come down and sleep easy when they run out.

Hope this helps.

Ps- Just do not mix Zanax, Opiates, and alcohol. These three together have killed a few of my friends. All three together slow your breathing too much. You go to bed and peacefully suffocate in your sleep. Not cool.

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13y ago

Your nose will burn like hell, like, seriously, worst pill to snort burnwise. But you might get a little bit of a rush, idk. I just snorted an 80mg cap and im just starting to feel it

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