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Please be advised - ANY INCUBATED WATERFOWL EGGS THAT ARE HATCHED BY A HUMAN THE WATERFOWL CAN NOT SWIM FOR MONTHS. YOU CAN NOT PUT THEM IN A BATHTUB OR POND AND LEAVE THEM - THEY WILL DROWN! Yes, you can retrieve the eggs, but you must incubate them or put them under a broody hen. If you lay them in the water she will abandon them and not set on them. If the eggs were all in a bunch in the water, that's odd. These eggs are still hatchable but a duck doesn't not set on eggs in the water so you don't need to worry about a crack in the egg drowning a duckling! The eggs are in dormant mode. You shouldn't touch the eggs you are going to incubate because any dirt on your hands can permeate the shell. The smell doesnt matter. Also, use a pencil to date your eggs for incubation and lightly mark the date. More views: * Mother birds rejecting eggs because of a smell is a popular myth. Birds don't care about smell. If you find a baby bird or egg, put it back in the nest. The mother will most often go back to taking care of it. With ducks, they will sometimes lay in the water. I would doubt that they are fertile, but you should candle them to find out. If they have been under water for a while, it is doubtful they will ever hatch. * Yes retrieve the eggs as soon as possible. If you have other females, you could try getting them to foster the eggs. If that fails, you should incubate them yourself and then give them back to her when they hatch. If she still rejects them, you will have to grow them independently. The eggs may be infertile, so you could try using the candling method (shine a bright light against the egg). * Yes, you should retrieve the eggs out of the pond because otherwise when they hatch they might not know what to do. The egg might not crack the whole way and the duck could drown inside the egg. * You can leave her alone and when she wants to set on the eggs, she will start to nest on her own.

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Q: Should you retrieve 10 eggs your female duck laid in your pond and put them in a nest so she could begin setting on them?
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