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Social Security already has all the work history/wages they need to determine your eligibility (based on the previous deductions from your paychecks) and your unemployment benefits plays no part in their consideration.

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In order to collect state unemployment insurance income you must be capable to work.

If you are disabled and collecting SSDI then you are not able to work and therefor cannot collect state unemployment insurance income.

Legally, you may only collect one and not the other.

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Q: Do you have to report social security on your unemployment claim form?
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Do you have to report your social security benefits that you just started receiving on your continued claim unemployment form?



When filing an unemployment claim,you will need indentification including your social security number and details for your last 3 employers

Can i draw social security and unemployment at the same time in South Carolina?

Yes you can. There is no reduction in your unemployment benefits if you are also drawing Social Security. Like all other claiments for unemployment, you have to be actively seeking work, etc. to qualify for Unemployment. The two systems do not conflict. See the Related Link below for more details.

I have been receiving partial unemployment but applied for early retirement at age 62 recently and received my first benefit. Do I have to report this on my unemployment claim as earned income?

As of Spring,2011, only three states (Illinois, Louisiana, and south Dakota), offset their unemployment benefits by 50% of the Social Security benefits a recipient receives (see the Related Links below). The other 47 consider Social Security as unearned income and therefore not reportable. One does have to report it in the 3 mentioned, however.

How can you collect unemployment in New York?

To collect unemployment benefits, contact your local state employment security office, or its equivalent, to file your claim. The Social Security application needs to be through the local Social Security Administration's office, information can be found online.

Can landlords claim social security benefits?

If rent is the sole source of income and no material services for the convenience of the tenants are provided, then the landlord has no income from self-employment to report and upon which Social Security benefits may be based.

Do you have to claim GI bill money while drawing unemployment?

Most states require that you report all income, though like Social Security, GI Bill income would probably be exempt. To be on the safe side, you should make the state aware that you get it and let them determine if it is reportable. The GI Bill is nontaxable income and if you're smart, you'll "NOT" report it to your unemployment office. Not reporting your GI Bill to unemployment does not brake any laws. How ever, when it comes to the subject of attending school while on unemployment, every state differs.

How does an employee find out his rights to benefits?

By filing a claim with his state's unemployment security office.

Can you draw unemployment benefit and Social Security in Indiana?

Yes. You can receive unemployment benefits from whatever 'liable state' you worked in. You can apply directly to that state or through the one you live in, known as Interstate claim, who will then transfer your claim to the right state.

Can you apply for early Social Security benefits as well as unemployment in Texas?

Yes, as long as you qualify for each of them individually.

How can you find out when the last time was you filed for unemployment?

Contact the employment security office you filed a claim with.

How do you put your severance pay on your unemployment claim?

In Illinois you do not report your severance pay to unemployment.I did this and it just delayed my benefits, they did hellp me straighten it out and i continued to get unemployment benefits