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You should always maintain "normal" chlorine. Shocking a pool consists of adding a large dose of pure liquid chlorine. This kills any algae (and othe rmicro-organisms). The chlorine is not stabilized, and will disspate within a day or so.

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Q: Pool shock when to resume normal chlorine?
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Related questions

Is pool shock the same as chlorine?

There is chlorine shock and non chlorine shock. Fo chlorine shock, which is the normal shock, it is the same a s Chlorine but unstabilized, so it will not last in the pool very long.

Is pool stabilizer and shock the same?

No, pool shock is normally a really strong chlorine and stabilizer is like sunscreen for the chlorine

How much shock do you use for a 24ft pool with a chlorine lock?

Three to four times the normal rate

Can you put chlorine tabs or pool shock in a kids pool?

try it out and tell me

What to do when there is Way to much chlorine in your pool?

Use a chlorine reducing agent. You can get them at the pool supply. One is called After Shock, but there are others.

What is shock a pool?

To shock a pool is to effectively increase the chlorine dosage to the max in order to exterminate a bacterial or algae problem.

How do you convert a Bacqucil pool to chlorine?

It,s easy. Just Shock your pool with a chlorine shock and then make sure the chlorine level is where you need it to be. It, more involved if you go from Chlorine to Bacqucil. but why would you want to Bacqucil is so much nicer and easier.

Why pool reading no chlorine?

normally when there is no reading for chlorine means that you need it, put 1 gallon of liquid shock in your pool. that will raise the chlorine level, cheryl

How do you turn a saltwater pool to a chlorine pool?

Stop adding salt to the pool and use tablets and shock when needed.

How do i get my clorine level up in my pool?

go to the local market that you get chlorine at and pool shock. buy test strips that test the water's chlorine, and just add an extra chlorine tablet each time you add chlorine. if its still really low and not even close to the amount you may want to add pool shock

How do you shock a 20x48 pool?

The easiest way is to use 4 lb of non-chlorine shock. Hatawa

How much chlorine do you use in a 6000 gal pool to shock it?

better to get a bag of shock rather then guess and do it yourself local pool supply should have it