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There were four planes. The names:United Airlines flight 11, United Airlines flight 93, American Airlines flight 175, and American Airlines flight 77.

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American airlines flight 11, united airlines flight 175, American airlines flight 77, and united airlines flight 93

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Q: Planes that attack on September 11?
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Where were the planes on September 11 from?


What type of aircraft was use in the attack on the towers?

The planes used to attack on 9/11 were large passenger planes.

Is September 11 2001 fake?

If you mean did terrorists really hijack planes and crash them in the World Trade Center building on September 11, 2001, then no it is not fake; it is disturbingly real. Thousands of people were killed or injured in the attack.

When Was The 911 Bomb Attack?

9-11, September 11 2001 didn't use any actual bombs. The attack used airplanes hijacked by people willing to die for their cause who deliberately flew their planes into important Buildings.

How did they hijack the planes on September 11?

it was igle pigle

Was September 11 an accident?

September 11 2001 was a terrorist attack orchestrated by Islamic extremists who were associated or affiliated with a group know as Al Quaeda, led by one Osama bin Laden. There is nothing accidental about hijacking several planes.

When was the September 11 attack on America?

The 9/11 attacks were on September 11, 2001.

Who hijacked the planes of September 11?

There were four planes that were hijacked on September 11. The hijackers were part of the terrorist group, al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden ordered the attacks.

What year did 911 disaster happen?

the terrible, horrible, monstrous attack that these sinners did happened on the worst Tuesday possible.

What day did the planes crash to the twin towers?

The twin towers collapsed on September 11, 2001.

Where did the attacks on September 11th take place?

The attack of September 11 took place in New York, by the Pentagon. Planes crashed into the Pentagon and killed many people. (I know this because this date is my birthday... I studied it.) :)

How many people were killed on planes on September 11 2005?

a lot