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Q: People express thoughts mainly by using numbers language gestures pictures?
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What is the best description of language?

Language is a system of communication that involves the use of symbols, sounds, or gestures to convey meaning. It allows individuals to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas, as well as to interact and engage with others. Language is dynamic, diverse, and essential for human connection and understanding.

People express thoughts mainly by using what?


What is sign language?

Sign language is a visual form of communication that uses hand gestures, facial expressions, and body movements to convey meaning. It is used by deaf individuals or those with hearing impairments to communicate with others who also know sign language. Different countries have their own sign languages with unique grammar and vocabulary.

What is correct description of Cicero?

he used the Latin language to express complicated thoughts and ideas.

How do you talk to snoopy?

Talking to Snoopy depends on your preferred method of communication. You can speak directly to Snoopy to express your thoughts and feelings, or you can write a message to him in a letter, email, or text. Additionally, you can also communicate with Snoopy through non-verbal means such as body language and gestures.

What is the definition of nonverbal messages?

body language, such as personal appearance, gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice.

Sign language f?

Sign language is a visual language used by deaf and hard of hearing individuals to communicate through hand gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. It allows individuals to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas without relying on spoken language. There are different sign languages around the world, each with its own set of gestures and rules.

How you relate language speech and thought?

Speech is a way to express and convey thoughts, while language is just a system of understandable speech.

What is amimia?

Amimia is the inability the express oneself using gestures.

How would you describe Cicero?

His writing influenced literature throughout the eighteenth centuryHe was the leading writer of latin prose

What is the difference between language and communication?

Communication is the process of sharing information between two or more persons. This can be verbally, through gestures or even body language. According to Borden, Harris, & Raphael, 1994 pg. 174 it is the transmission of thoughts or feelings from the mind of a speaker to the mind of the listener. Communication has three purposes: request, reject, or comment and is used to gather thoughts, express thoughts, receive and understand information. Language, according to Bloom and Owens, is a socially shared code that uses a conventional system of arbitrary symbols ( alphabet ) to represent ideas about the world that are meaningful to those who know the same code.

How is letters useful?

Letters are useful to express the thoughts in written texts. With out letters it will be vocal/sign language only for communications