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Thehairs on the paramecium are called cillia, it then is able to move in all directions

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The hairs on the outside of a paramecium are called cilia.

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Q: Paramecium have hair-like structures on the outside of their body called?
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Which structures surround a paramecium?

short, hairlike strands called cilia sourround a paramecium. They use them for feeding and movement.:)

Do prostist move?

Yes they do. Protists move with tiny hairlike structures around the edge of them called cillia.

How does a paramecium move?

A paramecium moves using tiny hair-like structures called cilia. These push against the surrounding material to create motion.

What structures propel paramecium?

A paramecium is a unicellular freshwater microorganism that is classified as a protozoan. It is covered in fine cytoplasmic hair-like structures called cilia that it uses to propel itself.

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Structure that helps the paramecium move?

Paramecium move with hair like structures called ciliathat line the entire edge og the organism.

Why does paramecium's body spirals as it moves through the water?

A paramecium is covered along its entire body by protoplasmic cilia, which beat in a specific rhythm. This spiraling motion allows the paramecium to gather food in its path.

What are the structures called that move a paramecium much a oars move oars?

These structures are called cilia and they do have an oar like motion; power stroke and return/relaxation stroke.

How is the paramecium adapted for movement?

The paramecium has little, hair-like appendages on the outside of its cellular membrane that operate like paddles or oars. These are called cilia (singular) or cilii (plural).

What are tiny hairlike organs?

They are called Cilia.

What are short hairlike structures that move a cell?


What is the cell's hairlike structure that helps with locomotion?

Hairlike projections that aid in the movement of substances along a cell's surface are called cilia