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the daily bugle

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Q: On which newspaper does spider-man work as a photographer?
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What type of companies do photographer's work?

A photographer works for someone who has hired for him or, if he's professional, a large business like a newspaper or a magazine.

When you take pictures for a newspaper you are called?

A newspaper photographer or photojournalist.

Who worker for the chronicle newspaper as photographer?

I believe you may be referring to Dorothea Lange, who worked as a photographer for the Chronicle newspaper in San Francisco in the early 20th century. She later became well-known for her documentary photography work during the Great Depression.

Which superhero takes pictures of himself in action and sells them to Daily Bugle?

Spider-Man is the superhero who takes pictures of himself in action and sells them to the Daily Bugle, with Peter Parker serving as the alter ego who works as a photographer for the newspaper.

How can you get a free photographer press cardID?

A good camera with tons of film and an idea what true beauty is.

What are the jobs at a newspaper?

Photographer printer a writer a CEO and a writer

What kind of job is paparazi?

A pushy and unscrupulous photographer for a magazine or newspaper.

What is the difference between a newspaper photographer and a portrait photographer?

A newspaper photographer (or Photojournalist) takes photographs of news, like fires, car accidents, sports, and other spur-of-the-moment events for the purpose of telling a story. A portrait photographer takes pictures of people in prearranged positions for the purpose of making the subject look good.

Where could you work to be a photographer?

You can be a photographer anywhere. =]

Which first lady was a newspaper photographer before she married her husband?

Jacqueline kennedy

Where would you go to look for a job vacancy for a photographer?

Newspaper Companies mainly, media...e.t.c...

What are the names of the Spider-Man movies?

Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3, and recently the Amazing Spiderman