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You can take them to court if you have a contract with them. If you want to keep a good relationship with them, you may just want to talk with them about it.

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Q: My parents owe me back rent how can I make them pay?
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How far back can you go to collect rent that is owed to you?

Generally he can go back as far as you owe the rent. But a landlord can only evict you for not paying the rent, not for money that you owe for back rent. If your landlord accepts your money for the correct amount of rent, he cannot evict you for the back amount, but he can sue you for that.

Can you get federal student aid if your parents owe back taxes?

Yes. Just because they owe back taxes, doesn't mean that it will affect your student aid.

What does a tenant owe a landlord?

His rent.

Do you still owe rent after being evicted if their was no lease involed?

This is somewhat you mean by owing rent. If you were evicted for nonpayment of rent than the landlord could sue you for the money you owe in back rent. Since there was no lease involved, your landlord cannot sue for future rent.

If there is not contract do you still owe back rent?

Even if you do not have a written contract you still have a verbal contract if someone has agreed to rent you an apartment for a specific price. Verbal contracts are also enforceable (although not as easily as written contracts, since there may be no concrete evidence about what exactly was agreed). In any event, if you agreed to pay rent, then you do owe the rent that you agreed to pay, contract or no contract.

Tenant files for chapter7 bankruptcy?

When a tenant files for bankruptcy, this will apply to any money tenant owes. In the case of rents, which is not a form of credit, you still must pay to landlord your rent or face the probability of eviction. If you owe your landlord back rent and declare bankruptcy, then you can include this back rent as part of your debt. Back rent is considered a form of credit, because you owe this money to your landlord and he has continued to grant you the right to stay there. It should be noted that whenever a landlord commences eviction proceedings against a tenant, it is never on the grounds of owing back rent. Your landlord's claims against you in small claims court covers that issue.

What do you do to owe your parents?

Children are not legally responsible for their parents, so I can't imagine how you would owe money to them.

How can one rent with a 4-year-old eviction and a good job?

Go back to where you were evicted and pay up if you were late with the rent. Get a letter from them saying you have paid what you owe. Otherwise, you will need a co-signer for a period of time.

Will you owe the past due rent if you are evicted in Brooklyn NY?


Do you still owe rent arrears up to date of eviction?


How much can a landlord sue you for in back rent?

If there was a lease, the landlord has an obligation to try to rent the unit after the tenant leaves. If he is unsuccessful, the tenant owes for each month that the unit is vacant, through the end of the lease.

Can you break a lease on an apartment if you cannot afford the rent?

You can, but you'll owe them for each month until they rent it.