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Landslides are caused by liquefaction, which is the result of water being mixed with soft soil by the shaking of the earth during an earthquake. It can also cause instability in buildings and cause them to be more vulnerable to collapse during aftershocks or further quakes.

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A landslide is an example of?

Landslides are caused by the force of gravity pulling on the rocks.

How landslides and mudflows different?

mudslides are mud and happen when it rains alot, landslides can be caused by lots of rain but are usually caused by earthquakes

What force on earth causes landslides?


Are landslides a type of weather?

No - but they can be caused by extremes of weather.

How do landslides caused by cutting trees affect the ecosystem?

Landslides caused by cutting trees affect the ecosystem by destroying habitat where many animals and even people live. The landslides actually change the contours of the land sometimes rerouting rivers.

Can landslides be caused by plates in the earth moving?

Indirectly. The movement of tectonic plates is the cause of the majority of earthquakes. Earthquakes can cause landslides.

What is the function of land slide is to destroy the management of earth?

Landslides happen regardless of the responsible management practices of a few humans. People who spend their whole working lives researching what is a landslide, were do they happen, what causes landslides, how to stop landslides have been saying for many years that landslides are caused by slippage of earth and rock down a mountain. Sometimes this is caused by unstable mountainsides. Other times it is caused by people who cut down the trees on a mountainside that previously was stable enough to avoid landslides. The management of the Earth is part of the reason that landslides happen but not the only reason

Does wind cause most landslides?

No. Wind plays little if any role in landslides. Most landslides are caused by heavy rain on unstable slopes, expecially where vegetation has been removed or burned. Earthquakes are another common cause of landslides.

What is the sinking of ground caused by earthquake vibrations called?

Its called "Landslides"

What caused the landslides in Tibet in 1950 that destroyed 70 villages?


What are some factors that cause tsunamis?

Tsunamis are caused by undersea landslides. There are many possible causes for undersea landslides, but the most common are undersea earthquakes.