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v take oxygen and let plants take CO2 and let v sleep in a closed room with so many plants there will less available of oxygen which even leads to our death.

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because if you sleep with your mouth open, a leaf can fall in at any time

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Q: Why should you not sleep under trees in night?
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Do elephants sleep near trees?

=yes they sleep under trees for shade in the day and shelter at night.=

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At night time - Crows are sleeping at top of the trees.

Why should you not sleep under a tree at night?

You should not sleep under a tree at night because there is not much protection from the elements. There are bugs that can crawl on you. You will not be protected if it rains or snows. You are also open to crime.

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they sleep in under shady trees

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They dont sleep in ennything they sleep on rocks and under trees.

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Jaguars sleep in tall grass or under trees.

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OutsideIn trees or deep in shrub mainly by trees for shelter/protection

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They usually sleep under cool rocks or in trees

How does a chameleon sleep?

They make nests in the tree branches by folding in branches and leaves and they sleep on these.

What shouldn't we sleep under tree in night?

During the day, in presence of sunlight, the plants use up the CO2 and release O2 as a by product.But during night they are unable to use the CO2 and this leads to increase in the proportion of CO2 in the air . During night the trees breathe in oxygen and release carbon-dioxide.If one sleeps under the trees, the amount of increased CO2 in the air around will certainly affect the health.So it is inadvisable to sleep under trees during night.

Where do giraffes sleep in the zoo?

Under trees, and in the shade!!