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The zero coupon bond is more sensitive to change in rate (inflation) because the market value is not based on a fixed coupon.

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Q: Is zero coupon bond more sensitive to change in interest rate than fixed coupon bond?
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What is the term used to describe the fixed payment of interest on a bond?

Coupon Payment

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Fixed interest means that the interest on a loan or deposit does not change as the result of market fluctuations.

What is the interest rate the bond issuer pays to the bondholder called?

The interest rate paid on a bond is known as the coupon rate. A $1,000 fixed rate bond with a 5% coupon rate purchased at par would yield $50 annually in interest payments.

Do long term municipal bonds face interest rate risk?

If they pay a fixed coupon, then yes.

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Fixed interest means that the interest on a loan or deposit does not change as the result of market fluctuations.

The interest rate on a bond is called?

The interest payment is called the "coupon" and it is usually a fixed amount per year, which is set when the bond is issued. But when you buy a bond on the market for a price that is different from the original face value, the effective interest rate is called the "yield". The reasons why the yield might be different from the coupon rate are described in the related link called Bond yields and coupon.

What are fixed home loans?

You are probably referring to fixed rate home loans. This means the interest rate is preset at a fixed interest rate and your monthly payments will not change over the course of the loan.

What is a fixed rate mortgage?

A fixed rate mortgage is a loan with an interest rate that does not change over time. Whatever the interest rate is when the loan is taken out, will be the interest rate for the entire duration of the loan.

What are fixed rate bonds?

Fixed rate bonds are a 'security' paying a fixed periodical 'coupon' or interest payment, say 6%. After some defined period, the bond will repay its 'face value' being equivalent of the principal in a loan.