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Q: Is world is enough for human need but not for human greed?
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Who and when said that the world has enough for every man's need not for every man's greed?


What is the source of the world has enough for every man's need not for every man's greed?


What are the thoughts of Gandhi's about the environment?

According to Gandhi ,the world has enough for every man's need but not for every man's greed .

What means there is not enough of something to meet all of people's wants and needs?

Scarcity occurs when there are limited resources available to meet unlimited wants and needs. This leads to competition for resources and forces individuals and societies to make choices about how to allocate those resources efficiently.

What is human greed?

Human Greed is that quality of an individual which drives him/her to take more than they need. The person, who knows contentment, eats to live but the greedy person lives to eat. The person who takes more than they need to live comfortably is driven by greed. Greed is a product of selfishness, discontent, hatred and prejudice.

Who said that the world has enough for every man's need not for every man's greed?

This was said by Mahatma K. Gandhi, the famous campaigner for Indian Independence.

Is greed an essential human quality?

greed is a condition in a proportion of humans. Many humans are not greedy at all as can be seen from the the contributions made by people poor and rich to their community's those in need and their family's and friends.

Is greed another way of saying that attachment to the things of this world?

Yes it is and greed also means to covet something you want and don't need.

How does greed cause suffering?

Greed is a dangerous emotion. It causes suffering because greed creates in us an attitude of never being satisfied. Enough is not enough. Actually what we need is to fulfill our need, but instead of being satisfied fulfilling our need, we put greed in charge of our life. We want more and more. We are never satisfied. Therefore, we are always unhappy. In the beginning, greed creates that stress and anxiety that makes us unhappy. Then even if we get something, we become so possessive that we fear losing it. Again, greed causes suffering. And if we don't achieve what we want, we become angry and frustrated. Again, greed causes suffering. Greed can only cause suffering and nothing else. Greed can never give us happiness.

How much sun human need?

Enough to keep us warm.

As the purse is emptied the heart is filled?

As martial artist's have a saying stave your greed feed your need for your foe feed there greed starve there need

Do you need a larger surface area to breathe?

no, if you think about it every 2 trees in the entire world will give off enough oxygon to give a human being it for a lifetime.