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If you are a Bible Believer, then yes. The Bible speaks of God resting on the 7th day of creation. However, many Christians have the misconception that this was Sunday. Actually, for the ancient and modern Hebrews alike, this was Friday night and Saturday daytime. More specifically, from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday (since for the ancients, a day consisted of a night and a day rather than a day and a night). So, Sunday would be the First Day.


For Christians, Sunday is the Sabbath because that is the day on which Jesus rose again. The women wanted to anoint his dead body right after he died on Friday, but the night was coming to quickly and they were not allowed to do any work on the Sabbath. So on Sunday morning (the daylight time of the first day) the women went to anoint his body, the tomb was empty. This is significant because he bore sin on the 6th day (during the work week, the number which signifies death and the day that God created man), was in the tomb on the 7th day (the day of rest), and rose on the 1st day (the restart of the work week, the day which God Created light and the day of new life).

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