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Boy, it took a few hours to get your answer - but after discussing your question with several English professors from UGA (University of Georgia), they all stated: AEGILOPS (an ulcer in the eye) is the longest word whose letters are in alphabetical order.

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15y ago
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12y ago

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

This is the sentence that has all the letters of the English Alphabet. I don't know which word has all the letters. The longest word: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis doesn't have all the letters in it.

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14y ago

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

This is the sentence that has all the letters of the English Alphabet. I don't know which word has all the letters. The longest word: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis doesn't have all the letters in it.

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14y ago

There is no word in English. There are many phrases, some more coherent than others, that include all 26 letters. The best known is "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".

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14y ago

They're called "Pangrams"... such as the popular:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

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12y ago

II dont know

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Q: Which word contains all the alphabets?
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Which is the word which contain all the alphabets?

There is no such word that contains all the alphabets, because no word is written in more than one alphabet. If you meant which word contains all the letters of the alphabet, there is also no such word.

Can you give an example of silent alphabets?

There is no such thing as a silent alphabet. Alphabets are used to represent the sounds of a language. A silent alphabet would have no function, unless you are talking about sign language alphabets. In that case, all sign language alphabets are silent.

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all alphabets can be written by hand.

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All alphabets are arranged alphabetically by definition.

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all words are only made up of 1 alphabet. There is never an instance in any language where two different alphabets are used in the same word.

What comes after A in all the alphabets?

In the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets, ALL OTHER LETTERS come after the letter A.

Is it alphabet or alphabets?

If you are talking about a singular noun, the proper word is alphabet. For example, "I know the English alphabet." However, if you are talking about the plural noun, the word to use is alphabets. For example, "The alphabets of Spanish and German are somewhat different from that of English."

Which alphabets are the same?

Every distinct alphabet on the planet is different from all other alphabets.

Is alphabets the right word to use?

If you are referring to sets of letters, then yes. But if you are referring to individual letters, they are called letters, not alphabets.

Find a word that contains all of the letters of the alphabet?

There is no English word that contains all 26 letters of the Alphabet.