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There is still NO cure for AIDS. Although scientists continue to research the disease, there isn't a vaccine yet either - and there probably won't be for another 10 or even 20 years.

Once infected, there is no way to get the virus out of your body. However, there are some drugs which help to slow down the damage HIV does to your immune system and therefore slow down the onset of AIDS. There are also other drugs to prevent or treat some of the opportunistic infections (OIs) that affect people with HIV/AIDS

Currently the most successful treatments are combination or "cocktail" therapies, where HIV patients take a range of different antiretroviral drugs such as reverse transcriptase inhibitors (like AZT) and protease inhibitors (like Amprenavir). But these drugs are extremely expensive and unavailable in many parts of the world. They can also cause a number of difficult side effects and for about 20% of patients they do not work at all. Don't be complacent - improved treatments do not mean that HIV/AIDS has become a manageable condition.

HIV is a constantly changing and mutating virus and if doses of medication are missed, infected people can become immune to the very drugs they are taking. This can seriously limit future treatment options.

If you are HIV positive, the most important thing is to lead a healthy life and take good care of your body by eating well and exercising.

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11y ago

There is not, in early 2013, a cure for AIDS.

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