

Is the violin the best instrument in the world?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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It depends by what you mean as 'the best'. All instruments have their pros and cons to them. For example, the violin has a very beautiful sound when played well, but it takes many years of hard work to make it sound good- you have to learn the techniques, and the tunig- it all takes a lot of time and work. No instrument is 'better' than another- it is merely different. Instrument A will be more skilled than instrument B in one area, but B might be better in another. It's all a matter of opinion.

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Simple. The answer is a violin or fiddle. The violin is a hard and a challenging instrument to play but as soon as you learned how to play it, you will realized it is the best instrument to play.

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I'd say the violin. You hear sayings such as: "World's smallest violin." The violin has that tug on the emotions... It's unstable too.. teetering on each note... But you can stabilize the emotion by holding it longer.. I play piano, but I really like the violin for it being able to stand alone (along with other violins) lol.