

Is the urinary bladder and the bladder the same thing?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is the urinary bladder and the bladder the same thing?
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Is the gallbladder the same thing as bladder?

No, the gall bladder holds digestive enzymes, and the bladder in the urinary tract collects urine made by the kidneys. Two different organs.

Are the urinary bladder and gallbladder the same structure?

No, the urinary bladder adn gallbladder are two different things.

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What body organ stores urine?

The bladder stores urine before it is urinated out of the body.

The urinary bladder is grossly unremarkable?

urinary bladder is unremarkable

Is the bladder in the excretory system?

NO, the urinary bladder is part of the urinary system.

What is the duct leading to the urinary bladder?

As a general statement, the Urinary Duct is a tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.

Is the bladder a part of the digestive system?

The urethra is part of the urinary system. In females and males, the urethra carries urine from the bladder out of the body through the urinary meatus. In males, the urethra also carries ejaculate out of the body.

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urinary bladder

The kidneys and urinary bladder are components of the?

They are both in the excretory system...the kidney cleans the liquid waste and the urinary bladder holds it

After leaving the kidney where does the filtrate go?

Urine flows from kidney to the urinary bladder through ureters. Urinary bladder collects and from urinary bladder it goes outside the body through urethra

What is the area in the urinary bladder that is bordered by the three orifices of the bladder?

The trigone is between the three orifices of the urinary bladder.