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well the Sun is star, yes...... but its not by any means giant.

are Sun is a average star, average in size and mass.

you can find out more on this will tell you EVERYTHING you could know about the Sun

Neither. The sun is actually what could be considered as an average-sized star, and is definitely nota ball of fire. The sun is like a giant nuclear reactor, smashing together hydrogen atoms to form helium. The chemical reaction only gives off about 3% of the energy carried in hydrogen bonds, but is still sufficient to produce an amazing amount of light. The nuclear reaction is the result of the formation of protostars, which eventually collect so much gas that they form enormous ball of gas that collapses into itself, and smashes together the hydrogen, producing the phenomena described above, called nuclear fusion. However, the sun does not continue to crush inwards because of gravity, instead staying in a state of complete balance for billions of years, courtesy to nuclear fusion. When stars the same size as our sun finally stop staying in that state of balance, they crush inwards, producing a "white dwarf", which over millions of millions of years slowly is reduced to a small, black, cold core. A white dwarf is incredibly dense, with one single piece the size of a matchbox weighing as much as a full-grown African elephant.

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9y ago

The sun accounts for more than ninety-nine percent of our solar system's mass. It is primarily made of gases hydrogen and helium with smaller amounts of other elements like neon, oxygen, carbon, and iron. Because three quarters of the sun's mass is hydrogen gas and most of the rest of it is comprised of helium, the sun can be referred to as a ball of gas.

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Yes. The sun is a giant ball of superheated hydrogen and helium.

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Q: Is the sun a giant star or a ball of fire?
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