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Sharks are not the only consumers of stingrays. Oddly enough, humans have been known to feed on them as well. Stingrays are often consumed in parts of Asia, and are commonly prepared as grilled.

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13y ago

No, bull rays sting too but not manta rays

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Q: Are sharks the only thing that eat stingrays?
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How can you tell that a shark is a carnivore?

Because sharks dont eat plants they only eat fish, squids, stingrays crustaceans mollusks, crabs, sharks

Do shark eat stingrays?

No, almost all mature sharks are larger than stingrays

Is a shark the only thing that can eat a stingray?

Nothing eats stingrays.

What eats hammer head?

Hammerhead sharks eat stingrays, fish and octopus. They are also known to eat squid, crustaceans and other smaller sharks.

What do Hammer Head Sharks eat?

Hammerhead sharks eat a large range of items including fish, squid, octopus, crustaceans, and other sharks.

What do hammer head eats?

Hammerhead sharks eat stingrays, fish and octopus. They are also known to eat squid, crustaceans and other smaller sharks.

What does elephant seal cows eat?

small sharks, stingrays, and other bottom-feeding fish.

What manta rays eat?

Manta rays are huge flat fish that are related to sharks and stingrays. Because of their size, the only predators they have are sharks, killer whales, and humans.

What eats a hammer head shark?

Hammerhead sharks eat mainly stingrays, but they also eat fish, crustaceans, octopus, and other sharks (sometimes even their own young).

What do destroyer sharks eat?

destroyer sharks eat everything. because they can fly, they eat everything in the sky. the only thing they don't eat is bald eagles because bald eagles are the best

Do any other ocean creatures eat shark?

No sharks are at the top of the food chain The only thing that kills sharks are humans