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faster Light travels faster than sound. Light travels at 300 000 000 m/s whereas sound travels at around 340 m/s at room temperature in air. That's a 880,000x difference!

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15y ago
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14y ago

The illumination is irrelevant; except in the degree that it may affect the temperature.

The illumination is irrelevant; except in the degree that it may affect the temperature.

The illumination is irrelevant; except in the degree that it may affect the temperature.

The illumination is irrelevant; except in the degree that it may affect the temperature.

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12y ago

Slower. Nothing goes faster than light, which travels at a speed of 300.000 km/second, or 186.000 miles/second. Sound travels through our air at the speed of about 343 metres/second, or 0,343 km/second, which is 1.125 feet/second, which is in its turn about 0,213 miles/second.

That's a big difference, isn't it?

Actually, it has been discovered neutrinos may travel faster than the speed of light, not actual relevant to the question but a very exciting possibility i would say.

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8y ago

the speed of light in vacuum is 300,000km / s, the speed of sound in air is 340m / it s approximately thus dela light speed is far greater than the speed of sound (in any medium)

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12y ago


Compared to the speed of light in vacuum, sound travels

through air at sea level about 0.00000113 times as fast.

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12y ago

In air at sea level, the speed of light is about 874 thousand times faster

than the speed of sound.

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14y ago

The illumination is irrelevant; except in the degree that it may affect the temperature.

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12y ago

Sound travels slower than light.

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Does light travel slower then sound?

No. It's the other way around ... sound is much slower. The numbers for each are thus: * Speed of Sound: 340.29 m/s * Speed of Light: 299,792,458 m/s Yup - light is faster ... much faster. You've never heard in the comic books "faster than the speed of light"??????

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sound waves travel faster slower than light waves In air, sound travels around 300m/s.

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Amplitude has hardly any effect on the speed of sound.

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Way slower. For reference, the speed of sound is about 767.3 mph and the speed of light is 671,000,000 mph.

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No it actually travels slower.

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no from what i have learned light travels faster then sound

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Does light or sound travel slower?

Sound, in normal air. First lightning then thunder!

Do sound waves or light waves travel faster?

In air, light waves travel about 871 thousand times faster than sound waves.