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The white milky sap is a latex that has a high pH.It is quite alkaline and is considered to be an irritant as opposed to a poison.

This plant has is noted for its bright red 'flowers'.However the flowers are small yellow to white in color.The sepals are red.Compare this to the dogwood (Cornus Florida) tree.

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Q: Is the cream from the stem of a poinsettia poisonous?
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Is poinsettia piants are poisonous to human?


Are poinsettia plant poisenas?

Yes they are poisonous if ingested

Are Christmas poinsettia plants poisonous to humans?

No they are not poisonous. Just don't eat them.

Is the milk from a poinsettia poisonous if consumed?

Yes, poinsettias are poisionous

Are poinsettia leaves poisonous to the touch?

No, the leaves of poinsettias (Euphorbiapulcherrima) are not poisonous to the touch.Specifically, the plant contains a milky substance that can be irritating to some people. The severest reaction will be an upset stomach or diarrhea. The notion of poinsettia body parts as being poisonous comes from its membership in the Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants. Some family members are poisonous, some not.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the poisonous plant Poinsettia?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Euphorbia pulcherrima.

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No, it is doubtful that a raccoon would eat a poinsettia which can be poisonous.

Are the stem of the plant edible?

Yep as long as its not poisonous which i doubt any stem of a plant is poisonous just because its edible doesnt mean it will taste good though

What are some precautions I should consider when buying a poinsettia for a person with pets?

The Poinsettia is technically not a poisonous plant but some people and animals may have a sensitivity to the sap. Attempt to keep the plant out of reach of children and pets to avoid the irritation.

What are all the poisonous plant that have weak stem?

Creepers, climbers and twinners.

What Christmas plant is poisonous to humans?

After the Christmas tree, the pretty scarlet poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is the most traditional Christmas plant. The poinsettia has long been considered poisonous, but Ohio State University recently conducted research that showed poinsettias are not poisonous. Ingestion of leaves or stems may cause upset tummies and diarrhea in your furry friends, however. For people with latex allergies, the white sap may cause allergic reactions

Plant with poisonous parts?

An example would be rubarb which leaves are quite poisonous but stem is eaten and is quite delicious. (though make sure that is far down enough due to the fact that the stem just underneath the leaves is probably poisonous too. I do recomend caution when havesting that plant)