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no it cannot take off if it is going slow

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Q: Is the airplane go slow can it take off?
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What do you do when you get off the airplane?

You get off and go to the bagge clam

How does an airplane slow down?

* An airplane with jets slow down by flaps that fold in to reverse the airpane(go on and write" how a jet engine slows down" for more information) * An airplane with propellers just spins the other way!

At what speed plane run on the runway?

It depends on the airplane. A Boeing 747 needs to go 160 knots before you can take off in it; a Cessna 172 needs to go 55 knots to take off.

How do you make a paper helicopter go slow?

Take the paper clip off and make it smaller.

How MPH does an airplane go when it takes off?

No one airplane, no one answer. Depends on the weight of the airplane and the size of the wings. Light planes designed for short take offs may lift off at 30 mph. A Boeing 737 jet might lift at 150 mph.

Where does waste go on an airplane?

It goes into a holding tank on the airplane. It is then pumped off when the aircraft is at the airport.

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It goes into a holding tank on the airplane. It is then pumped off when the aircraft is at the airport.

How you can take airplane at vice city stories?

go at the studio than there will be airplane than fly it

What transport does it take to get to Antarctica?

Depending on where you want to go, you can go by ship or by airplane.

How far will a paper airplane go off the Eiffel tower?

That would be a function of the glide ratio of the paper airplane in question.

PLEASE HELP my ipod wont connect to the wifi i get at my house?

This happened to me I'm writing this down on my iPod you go on settings then go on wifi and take off airplane mode or go on

Can kids go bye themselves on an airplane?

yes kids can go bye themselves on an airplane but parents have to pay more becouse the persons in the airplane take care of you and be whith you the hole time