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yes it is perfectly safe if your girlfriend or boyfriend can swallow it so can you!

You expend a load of high quality ingredients in each ejaculation. Many religions recommend that you never waste it.

By swallowing it yourself, you replenish your body of these precious minerals, vitamins, enzymes and hormones.

And you honour your spirit by not wasting your most holy essence.

Semen contains:

ascorbic acid (vitamin C, for tissue maintenance)

blood-group antigens (from immune system)

calcium (mineral)

chlorine (oxidizing agent)

cholesterol (steroid alcohol present in body fluids)

chlorine (base, part of the vitamin B complex)

citric acid (occurs during cellular metabolism)

creatine (nitrogenous substance found in muscle)

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

fructose (sugar used for energy)

glutathione (peptide amino acid)

Glycoproteins (cancer fighting agent)

hyaluronidase (enzyme)

inositol (sugar found in muscles)

lactic acid (byproduct of muscle use)

magnesium (mineral)

nitrogen (gas found in all living tissue)

phosphorus (mineral)

prostaglandins (good for pregnancy)

potassium (mineral)

purine (compound of uric acid)

pyrimidine (organic base)

pyruvic acid (formed from either glucose or glycogen)

selenium (cancer fighting agent)

sodium (salt)

sorbitol (body alcohol)

spermidine (catalytic enzyme)

spermine (ammonia compound found in sperm)

urea (from urine)

uric acid (from urine)

vitamin B12 (for proper function of nervous system and metabolism)

zinc (mineral)

Zinc alpha2 glycoprotein (burns fat, clears acne, controls Diabetes)

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Q: Is swallowing your on semen safe?
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Is swallowing 2 guys semen safe?

Yes. It is safe if they are all free of STDs.

Is swallowing semen safe if you both have an STD?

This would not be good to do as many STDs can be contracted in the mouth.

Is swallowing semen safe if he is taking prescription medications?

Depends what medication. Just because it is in his bloodstream does not mean it is in his semen. Embarrassing as it may be -- this is a question for your doctor and/or pharmacist.

Can you die if you eat sperm?

No, you will not die from eating sperm. Swallowing semen is perfectly safe, as long as he doesn't have and STD.

Is it good to swallow sperm?

Infectious diseases can be transmitted for semen so swallowing semen is not consistent with "safe sex". Other than that there is nothing particularly good or bad about it.

What happens if a boy eats sperm of a girl?

Swallowing semen from a disease-free male during sex is generally safe. There is nothing unhealthy about swallowing unless the person has an STD.

Is it good to swallow semen?

After all there is no harm in swallowing your partners semen.

Will swallowing a man's semen make him more connected with a female?

No, swallowing a man's semen will not have any medical effect on the couple's connection.

Can a 12 year old get pregnant by swallowing sperm?

The answer is no. Swallowing semen can not get you pregnant.

Can swallowing chlamydia infected semen harm a fetus?

While swallowing chlamydia-infected semen can infect your throat with chlamydia, it will not affect a pregnancy.

What is a positive effect of swallowing semen?

There is alot of protein in semen, and your partner likes it

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