

Is polio an active or hidden virus?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Im pretty sure polio is a hidden virus

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13y ago
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Q: Is polio an active or hidden virus?
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Is influenza virus a hidden virus or an active virus?

You do not categorize virus into hidden or active category. That way, every virus is hidden inside the cell. It can not grow outside the cell. Every virus is active. Otherwise it would have disappeared from the race of life. It is very interesting to know about the virus. Now you study it. Tomorrow the world will learn from you.

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Which microorganism causes polio?

Polio is caused by a virus, the poliovirus. It belongs to the genus Enterovirus, which is a group of RNA viruses.

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They are not hidden, when you get measles, you would get symptoms right away.

What is the difference between a active virus and a hidden virus?

The " hidden " virus is called a provirus and it insets it's genetic material into the genome of the invaded cell so that the cell copies itself many times and copies the virus also. An active virus just invades and hijacks the cell immediately to reproduce the virus. The " hidden " type of virus does come out after a time and acts like a active virus then Google lytic cycle and lysoginy.

Can cold water cause polio?

No, it takes the polio virus to cause polio. The polio virus can be defeated by having a polio vaccination.

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diphteria it is a bacterial infection

What virus causes polio?

yes polio is caused by a virus