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Q: Is passive smoking second hand smoking?
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What is another name for second hand smoke?

Passive smoking.

Difference between active and passive smoking?

Active smoking is the direct inhalation of smoke by an intended smoker while passive smoking is second hand smoking. This is a situation where smoke is inhaled (from the environment) by non intended smokers. Active and passive smoking are both harmful to the body.

Is passive smoking and direct smoking the same?

No, because passive smoking is inhaling the second hand smoke that Other people smoke and exhale. Direct smoking is when the person inhales the smoke that they themselves smoke. If you have a cigarette in your mouth, that's direct smoke. If you inhale other people's smoke, that's passive smoking.

What happens when you second hand smoke?

Second hand smoke, or passive smoking can be just as harmful to you as it is to the person smoking first hand. You want to be careful that you do not hang around people who smoke too much as you could develop the same diseases and problems even if you do not ever touch a cigarette.

Why passive smoking in public areas is a serious problem?

passive smoking means second hand smoking means the smoke we inhale by atmosphere and it belongs to non smoker's. It is a serious problem because it causes many problems like asthma, bronchitis, respiration problems etc in every age group.

Who are passive smokers?

Passive smoking - or second hand smoking - is the involuntary action of inhaling surrounding smoke. This pertains mainly to nonsmokers who are present in the company of smokers, and therefore are not actively smoking but breathing the smoky surrounding air.

Is passive smoking just as bad as normal smoking?

The risks as such are the same, but since the smoke you get into you from passive smoking is more diluted passive smoking is a bit less bad.

Secondhand smoking worse than smoking?

Secondhand smoking means the passive smoking and passive smoking is worse even than smoking cigarettes.

What is second hand?

second-hand smoke is where you breathe in smoke so its like smoking a second time.

How do you say second hand in french?

As an adjective meaning "used", you say "d'occasion" or "usagé(e)(s)" (fem.) (plur.). When it is applied to smoking, the translation is "passif" (passive in fem.) The noun for the second-hand on the watch or the clock is "la trotteuse" or "l'aiguille des secondes".

Is there a second hand smoking law in New jersey?

Yes there is. It is a law prohibiting smoking in public places which could cause second hang smoking

What is some one who breathes in second hand smoke called?

Someone who breathes in second hand smoke is called a passive smoker.