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Yes, not having a menstrual cycle can be unhealthy. Your menstrual cycle is the single biggest indicator of your general health, if you're unhealthy your body won't work as it should and your body may also try to delay ovulation in order to prevent pregnancy at a time when it can't cope with that additional strain. Thus not menstruating can be a sign that there is an underlying health problem that needs to be addressed. Menstruation also has benefits such as decreasing iron levels in the body and reducing blood pressure, and the menstrual cycle in general has a major effect on your body physically, emotionally, and neurologically - we don't yet understand the full implications of not menstruating, but it can also effect bone health and risks of certain cancers too.

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Q: Is not having a menstrual cycle unhealthy?
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What day of the menstrual cycle is the woman having a menstrual period?

The first day of a womans menstrual cycle is also the first day of menstruation.

What happens when you douch while on your menstrual cycle?

Your menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you're a healthy fertile female then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think maybe you mean during menstruation. At any point in your menstrual cycle douching is unhealthy and unhygienic: it changes vaginal pH, pushes harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strips the vaginal tissues of lubrication.

Can you stop your period after it has started?

No. It would be unhealthy to artificially interrupt your menstrual cycle. It's there for a reason you know.

Does menstrual cycle smell?

Menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, if a woman is fertile she is always on her menstrual cycle. I think you're asking if menstruation smells, there is a smell but it shouldn't smell bad - maintaining good hygiene prevents odour, also avoiding unhealthy menstrual products such as tampons and commercial sanitary pads will prevent bad odour too.

What are common reasons for not having a menstrual cycle?

Common reasons for not having a menstrual cycle include menopause, pregnancy and after having a hysterectomy. Extreme weight gain or weight loss can also cause a menstrual cycle to stop. Certain types of birth control can also contribute to a lack of periods.

Can you get pregnant with out having a menstrual cycle in two months?


What does the menstrual cycle prepare the body for?

Reproduction (having a baby)

Are ab workouts unhealthy during a woman's menstrual cycle?

no actually any exercise is good during your period.

If you just had a baby is it normal to have a regular menstrual cycle then start having an irregular menstrual cycle?

yes, its just the bodys way of getting back to normal.

Early menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.

Can doucing stop menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between the brain and reproductive organs - douching inside your vagina has no effect on your menstrual cycle what-so-ever. Douching is also unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH, force harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strip vaginal walls of lubrication.

Can having more than one sex partner cause a woman's menstrual cycle to be off?

No, having multiple sexual partners has no impact on the menstrual cycle at all.The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, it is controlled by hormonal changes within the reproductive organs and so sex does not change the cycle (unless the person falls pregnant). The menstrual cycle can't tell how many sexual partners a person has, nor would there be any reason for the menstrual cycle to change if a person has multiple sexual partners.