

Is might be a preposition

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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No. Might is a helping verb that can be used with the verb to be. It is the past tense and conditional form of the compound verb "may be."

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Q: Is might be a preposition
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How can you distinguish a preposition from an adverb?

A preposition will use an object (noun, pronoun, or an equivalent phrase). Example: Getting dirty is part of being a cowboy. (being a cowboy is a noun phrase, object of the preposition of) Where an adverb might also be used as a preposition, look for an object: a noun or pronoun or the equivalent which normally follows the preposition. If there is none, the word in that usage is an adverb. Example: We walked on. (adverb) We walked on the beach. (preposition)

Is bad a preposition?

No, "bad" is not a preposition. It is an adjective that describes the quality or condition of something. Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Examples of prepositions include "in," "on," and "between."

Is then a preposition?

No, then is not a preposition. It is a conjuction.Than is a preposition.

Is "it" a preposition?

No, then is not a preposition. It is a conjuction.Than is a preposition.

Do you capitalize through in a title?

As I recall, the rule for capitalizing titles is: Capitalize the first word, and every word that is not an article, conjunction, or short preposition. Through might be a preposition, but it is certainly not a short preposition, so if I have stated the rule correctly, 'through' deserves to be capitalized in a title.

Is if a preposition?

If is not a preposition. It is a conjunction.