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No margarine is not one molocule away from plastic. Margarine is made from animal fats. You would not just be able to add a molocule to margarine and it would turn into plastic.

Margarine is NOT made from animal fat, butter is. Margarine is made from vegetable oil, water, and salt with chemicals and preservatives. Whether it is exactly one molecule away from plastic or not doesn't really matter. What matters is that it is hydrogenated and causes Heart disease. The story about taking it and placing it in a very warm environment (your garage) and letting it sit for a month or two is a good way to test it. Not only will flies not bother it, it won't spoil! Why would any human want to ingest such a dangerous compound? I only use Promise or Smart Balance as they are formulated differently and are not hydrogenated. But as with all fats, I use them in moderation. I occasionally use organic butter as well.

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9y ago

Do you mean "is margarine plastic" or do you mean "is margarine a plastic"? If you mean "is margarine plastic?" then the answer is "yes", because one of the meanings of the term "plastic" is something that is easily deformed, shaped, or moulded.

If, on the other hand, you mean "is margarine a plastic?" then the answer is "no, it's a derivative of vegetable oil used as a lower cost alternative to butter".

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