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Homo sapiens, may have appeared as early as 200,000 years ago in Africa.

According to one hypothesis, members of our species began a series of migrations from Africa that ultimately colonized the world.

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Q: Is it true the earliest ancestors of our species appeared 100000 years ago?
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Where has evidence of homo sapiens been found that dates between 100000 and 71000 bc?


Did early humans ride on the backs of animals to get from place to place more quickly?

No, our prehuman ancestors that appeared a million or more years ago through the first modern humans that appeared about 100000 years ago only went from place to place by walking on their own two feet. Humans did not begin domesticating any animals other than dogs until shortly after the end of the last ice age, about 12000 years ago. Dogs were domesticated about 15000 years ago, to assist hunter-gather peoples. But humans cannot ride on the backs of dogs. The first animal domesticated that humans rode on the backs of to get from place to place more quickly was the horse, this did not happen until about 5500 years ago in what is now the Akmola Province of Kazakhstan. These people were fully modern humans (in no way "early humans") that first domesticated and rode horses.

Where were the first human bones found?

The oldest human remains to have been discovered (if human is taken to be a member of the genus Homo) date to 2.3 million years ago and were discovered in Hadar, Ethiopia.

Why did early humans leave Asia?

Early modern humans left Africa and went to Europe and Asia roughly 100000 years ago. As the latest ice age was ending 20000 to 13000 years ago some modern humans in Asia crossed over from Siberia to Alaska then spread south across the Americas.

What evidence shows that modern humans moved from Africa across Asia into Europe and finally into Australia and the Americas between 100000 and 35000 years ago?

National Geographic's Genographic Project has been conducting a huge genetic analysis of as many people as they can get, in order to map out the human population starting about 100,000- 150,000 years ago. They've actually put together a migration map that shows human origins in Africa, and tracked various genetic groups' travels out of Africa into the rest of the world. If you look for their website, it'll explain everything to you.