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YES. because it converts the solar energy into electrical energy

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Q: Is it true that solar panels are used to generate electricity?
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How are solar panels built?

Solar panels are really just a collection of solar cells strong together to generate a current of a usable level sandwiched between a couple protective layers of class and protective coating. The solar cell uses a semiconductor material that when exposed to the Sun's photons generates a flow of electrons (current) that can be used to power a load. Take a look at the link I have included. Hope that helps. that is true. just to add that they are made of silicon

Which statment about passive solar heating systems is true?

they do not produce electricity Novanet

What are some alternatives to gas and electricity for a homeowner that require a minimal upfront investment?

For gas, there are a lot of low-cost options. People have heated their homes with wood stoves and fireplaces (an old tried and true method), steam, or natural gas. For electricity, you can convert your home to run on solar panels and wind turbines, although wind turbines require a lot of space. Solar panels are becoming more prevalent, and have become much more affordable and efficient than in the past.

Is this true or false in a controlled nuclear chain reaction the energy released as heat can be used to generate electricity?

It is true. The heat can flash water to steam, which spins turbines, which generates electricity.

Solar Energy Systems Provide Inexpensive Renewable Power?

Solar energy systems represent a key player in the realm of renewable energy, offering a range of advantages that contribute to affordability and sustainability. Here is an exploration of how solar energy systems provide inexpensive renewable power. Abundant and Free Resource: Solar energy is harnessed from the sun, an abundant and free resource. The availability of sunlight makes it a cost-effective source of energy, as there are no fuel costs associated with its generation. Low Operating Costs: Once solar energy systems are installed, their operating costs are low. They require minimal maintenance, and the fuel—sunlight—is freely available. This characteristic contributes to the long-term affordability of solar power. Reduced Electricity Bills: Solar energy systems enable users to generate their electricity, reducing or eliminating dependence on grid electricity. This, in turn, leads to significant savings on electricity bills over the system's lifespan. Government Incentives: Many governments worldwide offer incentives to encourage the adoption of solar energy. These incentives may include tax credits, rebates, and feed-in tariffs, making the initial investment in solar systems more financially attractive. Long Lifespan: Solar panels, a crucial component of solar energy systems, typically have a long lifespan. With proper maintenance, solar panels can continue to generate electricity efficiently for 25 years or more, contributing to the overall cost-effectiveness of solar power. Environmentally Sustainable: Solar energy is a clean and environmentally sustainable power source. Its generation produces no greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to efforts to combat climate change and reduce environmental impacts. Grid Independence: Solar energy systems provide a degree of grid independence. During power outages or disruptions, users with solar systems can continue to generate their electricity, ensuring a continuous and reliable power supply. Solar energy systems offer an inexpensive and renewable power solution, leveraging the abundant and free resource of sunlight.

Why is Solar energy-the best alternative source of energy?

This is not necessarily true. In reality there is no straight answer to which is best. Each have advantages and disadvantages. Just because solar power is used more domestically does not mean it is the most effective and certainly does not mean it produces a lot of energy. Most solar panels are, at best, 40% efficiency and large installations only generate enough power because there is a lot of panels / reflectors and they collectively generate power. In general solar panels are the cheapest alternative, at least for a house, with 2.2KW systems costing $18,000 approximately, with even cheaper smaller systems out there. But lets be honest, the only reason they are seen more on the roofs of houses is because it would be impractical to put a conventional power plant there. Most people do not have enough room for anything else. So solar energy is not actually the undisputed best alternative source of energy. Its all a matter of perspective.

Is it true solar cells turn the sun's energy directly into electricity?

Here are two direct ways to convert sun energy to electricity:Photovoltaics (solar panels) converts the light waves directly to electric current.Using the suns heat energy to boil water and the steam turbine runs a generator.Indirect ways:Windmills (wind and weather are result of the suns energy interaction with the air and moisture in the atmosphere).Dams in rivers. The sun evaporates water into the atmosphere. The water precipitates back to earth and flows into rivers, back to the ocean.

Is it true or false that shelters were made out of steel panels?

Anderson shelters were made of corrugated iron and Morrison shelters were made from steel panels.

To what extent is solar energy an effective and economic alternative to fossil fuel energy?

At the moment, sadly, fossil fuel energy (electricity from coal, oil and gas-burning power stations) is far more effective and economic since the environmental impact is completely neglected. As well, fossil fuels are subsidized (tax cuts) much more than alternative energy. This is because there is as yet no charge on the colossal amount of carbon emissions and other pollution (nitrous gases, carbon monoxide) that are produced at every stage of the fossil fuel production right up to its final burning. When governments can agree on a correct price that carbon emitters have to pay, then the true price of electricity (much higher than it is now) will encourage governments and private citizens to do what they can to generate solar photo-voltaic and wind energy. Companies have set up solar farms using various ways of harnessing the sun's energy and converting it into electricity. There are many farms in place all over the world. Private citizens may find it worth while to: # Use solar hot water in their homes (fairly efficient technology). About 80% of the water heating can be derived from solar without getting into complicated systems. # Install PV solar panels to generate some electricity to reduce their demand on the common grid supply. 100% can be generated, but costs may make it prohibitive. PV panels last 40+ years, with about 1% production loss every year. Warranties are typically 20 years. # Install solar air heating to heat their homes during the winter (supplementary heating to existing heating). Large wind energy is generally cheaper than solar, but requires more maintenance (high winds can damage them).