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Hot water does not freeze faster than cold water. Nor does cold water boil faster than hot water. For water to freeze, you must remove enough heat to bring its temperature down to 0 C. The colder the water is, the less heat you have to remove before it freezes. I have no idea why this rumor is cirulating the net and the world. It is just totaly insane to even think that that could be true. If you have just heated the water to 100 degrese, then it has that much more to cool down to 0. If the waterisat 30 then it is obvious that the 30 degree would cool faster. Really now. It's not exactly a rumor, it's least sometimes. In scientific communities it's called "The Mpemba Effect" and was named after a Tanzanian student named Erasto Mpemba who first raised the question in the late 60s. When a container of water is placed in a freezer, there are many factors which can affect the length of time it will take to freeze, and under the proper combination of circumstances, a given volume of hot water in a container may freeze faster than the same volume of cold water. So, the best answer is, "Sometimes."

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14y ago

The temperature of the water is actually what causes it to boil, thus the hotter the water the closer to the boiling point. If you start with cold water it absorbs heat faster at the beginning than hot water, but after it warms it actually absorbs heat at a slower rate. This "old wive's tale" may have arisen from some of the opposite phenomenon like hot water freezing faster than cold water. Answer: It is not true that cold water boils faster than hot water, and neither is it true that hot water freezes faster than cold water. But it is true that water which has boiled, and left to cool to room temperature, will freeze faster than an equal volume of water at room temperature that has not boiled. My high school science teacher explained why a half century ago, and it has something to do with the boiled water containing less oxygen, or something like that.

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Q: Is it true that hot water freezes faster than cold water?
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Which freezes faster cold warm or hot water?

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Which hot or cold water will freeze faster?

It has been proven that hot water freezes faster than cold water.

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Cold water will freeze faster. Because the freezing point of water is 0oC, water that is closer to that point will freeze faster then hot water. This is because it will require less time to lower the temperature to the freezing point.

Does hot water frezze faster than cold water?

Usually not, but it is known that in some very special cases, hot water freezes faster.

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Isn't cold water already cold? I would say cold water gets cold first. I've heard that hot water freezes faster than cold water.

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== ==

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Sugar water freezes faster than salt water. However, regular tap water will freeze faster than either salt, or sugar water.

What freezes faster warm water or cold water?

Cold water, less energy must be removed from cold water to make it freeze. warm water has more energy which needs to be removed before it freezes. it is an urban myth that warm water freezes faster.

Is there a chart or graph showing why hot water freezes faster than cold water?

Warm water doesnt actually freeze faster. Distilled water (which you can get from boiling and collecting the steam) freezes at 0C or 32F. Water (such as tap water) with impurities will only freeze at a lower temperature.

Does hot water freeeze at a diffferent rate than cold water?

yes, it freezes faster because it loses its temperature more quickly; while cold water maintains its temperature better

How does salt water freeze faster than tap water?

It doesn't. Tap water freezes faster than salt water.