

Is it possible to unlock a car with a tennis ball?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is it possible to unlock a car with a tennis ball?
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Can you really unlock a car with a tennis ball?

Cut hole in tennis ball. Place spare key in tennis ball. Attach ridiculously large chain to tennis ball.) Wear as cutting edge "bling" that actually serves a purpose. See, fashion AND humor needs nicely addressed

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Most should. It is possible that you alarm in not correctly installed with the proper relays.

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you go into your car and unlock it

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Your best bet is to take a tennis ball or rubber raquet ball and throw it at one of the windows. It wont damage the car, but the vibration should set off the alarm.

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If you have locked your car keys in your car, you can use a wire coat hanger to unlock your car door by forcing it through the key hole. Take the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) along with some ID (your license) to the dealership and they will make you a new key. No damage done this way.

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unlock button!