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Since it is the males sperm that is at play when it comes to having a girl or boy, there is not much one can do to be sure of getting the one or the other.

There are companies that say they can separate male sperm from female sperm, but studies does not show fail-proof results.

Some people claim that the PH level in vagina can affect the outcome one way or the other but this is still not scientifically proven to my knowledge.

Some people say that you should do this or that in order to get a baby of desired gender.

Some even say the solution is easy.

If you go left, the baby will be a girl.

If you go right, the baby will be a boy.

If going straight into the middle, then you get twins.

Others say that from behind produces girls and from on top, it makes boys.

This is all a load of crap and can not be proven right by anybody.

It is all stories because a lot of women enjoys talking, and some even believe this.

My best choice would be to separate the sperm by a company, but I feel that even this is a long shot.

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12y ago

Yes, male germ cells carry the gender determining trait. Sperm can be separated into ones that will produce a male and one that will produce a female. That is the basic runthrough of it.

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