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Everyone has some degree of narcisistic tendencies. What you are refering to is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It isn't really important whether someone does or does not technically has this because it isn't black and white; it is a continuum. If your narcissistic traits are causing problems for you, then you should get them treated. If you and your family and people close to you agree that they don't cause any problems at all, then don't worry about them. But you should definitely know your stuff about NPD so that you are well prepared for anything. The internet is the best way to learn about it. Narcissism and NPD can become worse with age, or it can go away. Read these Wikipedia articles: -DJ Craig

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Q: Is it possible the son of a narcissist only has some narcissistic traits and therefore is not really a narcissist?
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Is it possible for a man to be considered Narcissistic and yet it is really covering deep insecurities?

The quick answer is "Yes." But generally, narcissism is exactly what you are describing: the narcissist is not secure so he or she must overcompensate so as to attempt to prevent others from questioning these shortcomings. The narcissist is unsure of his or her worth, so must work to prove to others that he or she is a person of value.

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you will be very special to a narcissist for awhile. I believe a N really sees novelty in someone that gives him awe inspired attention. This is the narcissistic supply that they must have. Your specialness can last for quite some time, but when a new supply that a N is impressed with comes along, your uniqueness will be just a nice memory for them.

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Is there a cure for narcissistic personality disorder?

Yes. Go onto: Then type in: Treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder?" Don't be surprised to find that there is little help because Narcissists are not labeled "Narcissistic" without a good reason. They feel they are right and everyone else is wrong, so it's highly doubtful they would ever seek counseling and if they did they wouldn't believe what the counselor told them anyway. Few Narcissistic people are every helped and therefore it's difficult to really study a group of people that are narcissistic.

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Few people - especially if they are really narcissistic - take kindly to being called narcissists.

Will a narcissist leave a woman if she is too strong?

Sometimes not at first because a narcissist likes drama and likes to be around special people in order to feel special vicariously. But if and when she becomes too much for him to deal with he will leave. A narcissist really needs submissive women. Women they can dominate and control and get "Narcissistic supply" heart they are insecure cowards!

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LYING. Narcissists can't FEEL genuine emotion. They are just WORDS to him.

Is it better for a narcissist to have a narcissist partner?

They need someone who is as focused on them as they are on themselves. So they'd be better off with someone with really low self esteem, or just someone who is a real giver, and wouldn't mind never getting anything in return.

Why would a narcissistic man be friends with a lesbian?

A narcissistic, whatever gender they may be, do not truly have friends. If they appear to be friends with somebody, its probably because they admire them (although its really because they fear them). A narcissist being "friends" with a lesbian is most likely nothing sexual, its just that there is something in them, some trait or its because they do something a certain way, that they view so greatly.

Will your narcissist ex call back even after not calling you for eight months?

If they really loved you and miss you, yes.This makes no sense. A narcissist is not capable of loving or missing someone. They would only come back if they needed narcissistic supply.Everything can happen with them. i would say yes but only if their life at that moment is dull and empty then they would come back to drive you crazy again ....and there the cicle starts again they never change Some are so self inflated that they think how is possible that she would forget a Great guy like me i will teach her.....

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You are saying at what age do they stop showing signs of narcissism but they can't because you are saying they are not really a narcissist so how can they!

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The short answer is "you cant" - the narcissist has the REAL problem and the CONTROL. They are incapable of being fair and will do what they want to do. They are emotionally imbalanced and have a serious confusion between love and hatred. Why leave possessions to someone you hate, that's the confusion of the narcissistic parent. If you are already the golden child, there is a strong chance, but there are still no guarantees. My thoughts are 'Don't prostitute yourself for a chance of a dip in the inheritance - it really is not worth it!'. I recall someone once saying 'Only the good die young' and so the narcissist will be around for a very long time - is it worth it? You'll be old by the time any inheritance matures!! Not only that do you want to pay for the narcissist to stay at the very expensive elderly homes - if the answer is no! Let them stew in their own juices and keep away!!!!!!!!!